Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 10 minutes
Here's How:
- The biggest mistake people make is to tweeze too much. Avoid overplucking as it can take months for brows to grow back. Here's a simple trick to remember: The space between your brows should be equal to, or a little wider than, your eyes. To find where your brow should go, take a long eyeshadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of your nose. Where the brush meets your brow is where your brow should begin.
- To find the end of your brow, extend the brush diagonally from your nostril, following the outside edge of your eye toward the brow. Where the inside edge of the brush hits is where your brow should end.
- The best brows have a slight arch. To find yours, hold the brush parallel to the outside edge of the colored part of your eye (the iris). Where the brush meets the brow is where the highest part of your brow should be.
- Cleanse your skin. Exfoliating with a gentle scrub (I like Biore) helps prep the area as well. Worried about pain? Expert aesthicians suggest applying to the brow Anbesol, Orajel or any teething gel for babies. Brush brows up and out.
- You'll want to invest in a good pair of tweezers with a slanted edge (my favorite, hands down, are Tweezerman slanted tweezers: .
You also want to make sure you're near a window with light pouring in or under a bright light with a good mirror (magnifying mirrors are best, but be sure and flip it over to see your overall effect in the regular mirror). - Make sure to pluck hairs in the direction they grow. Don't grab too many hairs at a time. You can hold skin taut as you pluck.
- It's a myth that brows should never be tweezed from above. You want both the bottoms and tops to be smooth. So be careful, but tweeze the top AND the bottom.
- Stop every few hairs to step back and look at the job you're doing. If you overpluck, you're stuck. Unlike most hairs on your body, your brows won't always grow back once they're yanked.
- Once you're done plucking, you can apply aloe vera gel, which will calm the redness right away.
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