Emo hair is one of the hottest teen hair styles today. What is emo style is a matter entirely open to individual interpretation. The term "emo" is short for "emotional", which is the basis for a unique hairstyle. Regardless of which reflects a very personal style, each type can be classified as emotional. Emo style is associated with the punk hair style and a unique style popular among alternative music artists of the decade of 1980, although at this time there are many interpretations of what "emo" really is.
Emo hairstyles increasingly popular today. What causes such as the increased number of people want to adopt this new emo haircut? For starters, bands like Green Day and My Chemical Romance have made an emo hairstyle so popular.
Not only this, but more often on television, in the streets and everywhere that may be visible. I guess it's because the more self-sufficient community. Teenagers now have more freedom over 10 years. After all, the main message of emo haircuts is freedom of expression.
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